Our Framework for Responsible Digital Nomadism

Posted April 13, 2023

by Mita Carriman, CEO & Founder of Adventurely, Creators of NYC Nomad Village

Our take on responsible digital nomadism is that it expands on established principles around responsible travel.

Namely: being socially, economically and environmentally aware when you travel; understanding how your actions can impact a destination; and striving to ensure this impact is a positive one.

Taking that into account - this is the framework we developed at Adventurely for responsible digital nomadism. This framework is a work in progress that we’ll continue to expand on and refine as digital nomadism continues to evolve.


1. Preservation & respect for local heritage, language, culture, community norms & the environment when traveling as a digital nomad.

2. Making sure the local economy is boosted - Intentional shopping decisions as a digital nomad for locally owned business & tour/restaurant providers in your nomadic destination.

3. Local jobs preserved & grown for locals (not for nomads).

4.  Local housing doesn't become sparse or overpriced. Mindfulness and care around nomad subletting remaining within market range, and not used as an opportunity for monetization.

5. Intentionally integrating with locals & building friendships with locals, not staying within a nomad/expat bubble.

6. Participating in local volunteer work, charitable donations, or skillshare when possible.

7. Remembering that we're guests - Being mindful of creating a paradigm where locals start to feel like they are outsiders to their own communities.

8. Compliance with local laws.

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